A local approach to global equity investing – watch the webinar
Henderson European Trust plc
Board Member
Rutger Koopmans
Independent Non-Executive Director

Date of Appointment
4 July 2024 (previously served as a Director of Henderson EuroTrust plc, from 18 May 2016)
Skills and Experience
Rutger is a senior finance professional. He started his career at MeesPierson NV (formerly Bank Mees & Hope NV), before moving to ING, where he served as a managing director until 2008. Since then, he has run an independent strategic advisory practice and manages PIT Self-Placement BV, a professional training and coaching enterprise. Rutger is also the author of “Your Life Your Rules, taking charge of your working life.”
External Appointments
Rutger is a non-executive director of Vollenhoven Groep and Stichting Reizigerstegoeden, and managing director of PIT Self-Placement BV, which are all unlisted Dutch entities.