Collective Investment Trust capabilities

Solutions to advance participant outcomes.

What is a CIT?

Collective Investments Trusts (CITs) are tax-exempt, pooled investment vehicles maintained by a bank or trust company for eligible retirement plans.

Why choose a CIT?

CITs have the potential to be cost effective versus traditional mutual funds with similar strategies, and can lead to lower costs for eligible retirement plans.

lockDiscover our latest CIT offerings

Our offerings overview is for institutional investors or qualified plan sponsors only, not for use with plan participants or retail investors.


Three questions plan advisors should ask plan sponsors

What retirement plan advisors and sponsors can learn from companies that are effectively engaging participants.

In defined contribution, small changes can have a big impact

Key stories from our latest Top DC Trends and Developments guide, with a focus on small changes that can have a big impact.

plan participants

Engaging plan participants starts with understanding how they’re feeling

New research on plan participant emotions and behaviors can help inform how plan sponsors approach engagement and education.

America Saves Week offers multiple ways to engage with plan participants

How plan sponsors can use the annual event to engage and educate participants.

Request our latest CIT capabilities

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For general inquiries, call 800.668.0434 or email

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