James R. Lowry
James R. (JR) Lowry is Global Chief Operating Officer at Janus Henderson Investors, a position he has held since joining the firm in 2021. He oversees operations, technology, data, facilities, business change, operational transformation, and ManCo operations in Luxembourg and Ireland. He is also a member of the Janus Henderson Executive Committee. Prior to this, he held numerous roles with State Street from 2010, including chief administrative officer of Charles River Development, head of global exchange and most recently chief operating officer and interim head of analytics at State Street Alpha, State Street Corporation’s front-to-back investment management platform division. Before State Street, he held senior vice president roles with Fidelity Investments from 2006 and with McKinsey & Company from 1994, where he progressed to partner and a leader in the service operations and telecom practices. JR began his career as an officer in the United States Air Force in 1988, where he advanced to the rank of captain.
JR取得杜克大學工程學理學士學位,並以卓越成績畢業,亦取得東北大學電機工程理學碩士,以及哈佛商學院的工商管理碩士。他亦為FinTech Sandbox及波士頓當代藝術學院(Boston’s Institute of Contemporary Art)的顧問委員會成員。他在環球業界的工作經驗達308年。