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Dla profesjonalnych inwestorów w Polsce


How Sustainability Risks are part of the investment process

The investments underlying this financial product (referred to as the Fund) do not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities, although the Management Company and the Investment Manager have agreed a decision making process that will apply to investment decisions relating to the Fund as further detailed in the Prospectus.

The likely impacts of sustainability risks on the returns of the Fund

While the analysis of ESG factors is an integral component across the Investment Manager’s investment capabilities and one of a number of inputs to the selection of investments and portfolio construction, the investment process of the Investment Manager is primarily designed to maximise long-term risk-adjusted returns for investors. Therefore, in managing the Fund, the Investment Manager does not maximise portfolio alignment with sustainability risks as a separate goal in its own right nor does it precisely attribute the impact of ESG factors on returns for the Fund.

Główne niekorzystne skutki (PAI)

Rozporządzenia UE w sprawie ujawniania informacji związanych ze zrównoważonym rozwojem w sektorze usług finansowych („SFDR”) wymaga od uczestników rynku finansowego podjęcia decyzji „stosuj lub wyjaśniaj”, czy biorą pod uwagę główne niekorzystne skutki decyzji inwestycyjnych („PAI”) na czynniki zrównoważonego rozwoju, zgodnie z określonym systemem przedstawionym w SFDR („System PAI”). Janus Henderson Investors Europe S.A. („JHIESA”) jest członkiem grupy Janus Henderson zarejestrowanej w Luksemburgu i jako uczestnik rynku finansowego podlega wymogom Rozporządzenia SFDR.

JHIESA is supportive of the general policy aims of the PAI Regime, to improve transparency to clients, investors and the market, as to how financial market participants integrate consideration of the adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. Taking into account the size, nature and scale of JHIESA’s activities, JHIESA has decided not to comply with the PAI Regime at the current time. Nonetheless, JHIESA wishes to affirm its overall commitment to ESG matters. As part of this commitment, JHIESA currently manages products that are classified under either Article 8 or Article 9 of SFDR. More information on Janus Henderson’s overall commitment to ESG matters is also described in our ESG overview.

JHIESA będzie regularnie weryfikować swoją decyzję o nieprzestrzeganiu systemu PAI.