Robust. Fundamental. Dynamic.

Our teams exercise independent thought with high conviction, resulting in portfolios that we believe are well positioned to address our clients' challenges – all within robust risk control frameworks.


Equities Assets Under Management

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Equities Investment

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Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 31 December 2023

Equities Assets Under Management

Equities Investment

Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 31 December 2023

We measure success by a single factor: client outcomes. As a pure asset manager, our sole mission is to deliver consistent long-term risk-adjusted returns that exceed our benchmarks and peers, regardless of the prevailing investment landscape.

Featured strategies

Global Sustainable Equity

By focusing on companies that have a positive impact on the environment and society, our low-carbon investment approach aims to deliver compounding growth and attractive investment returns.

All-Cap Emerging Market Equity

A style-agnostic strategy that blends top-down macro analysis with bottom-up stock selection aims to identify attractive opportunities in a volatile asset class.

Pan-European Equity

A large cap core Pan European equities strategy.


Global Perspectives: The emerging return potential of emerging markets

With innovation on the rise and interest rate hikes likely over, investors may want to pay closer attention to emerging market stocks.

European espresso: is this a turning point for semiconductors?

In the latest of our European Espresso series, Portfolio Manager Robert Schramm-Fuchs shares his insights on the current performance of the semiconductor sector.

JH Explorer in Charleston: Power cabling the energy transition

Notes from a visit to a high-end cable manufacturer – a company that is vital for the transmission of clean energy from production to consumption points.

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