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For Approved Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors in China

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Key investment risks to be considered before investing

Janus Henderson Capital Funds Plc

  • Janus Henderson Capital Fund Plc, as an umbrella fund, has within it different sub-funds investing primarily in equities or debt securities, each with different risk profiles.
  • Some sub-funds’ investments in equities are subject to equity securities risk due to fluctuation of securities values.
  • Some sub-funds invest in debt securities/ preference shares (including below investment grade or unrated); and asset/ mortgage-backed securities/ commercial papers; and are subject to greater interest rate, credit/ counterparty, volatility, liquidity, downgrading, valuation, credit rating risks. They may be more volatile.
  • Investments in the sub-funds involve general investment, currency, hedging, economic, political, policy, foreign exchange, liquidity, tax, legal, regulatory, small/ mid-capitalisation companies related, securities financing transactions related and preference shares related risks. In extreme market conditions, you may lose your entire investment.
  • Some sub-funds may invest in financial derivatives instruments for investment, efficient portfolio management and/or hedging purposes. This may involve counterparty, liquidity, leverage, volatility, valuation, over-the-counter transaction, credit, currency, index, settlement default and interest risks; and the sub-funds may suffer total or substantial losses.
  • Some sub-funds’ investments are concentrated in a single market (e.g. the US) /industry sector (e.g. technology, property)/instrument (e.g. US debt securities/ preference shares rated below investment grade or unrated), small/mid- capitalisation companies and may be more volatile.
  • Some sub-funds may invest in companies engaged in or related to the property industry and are subject to REITs and property related companies risks.
  • Some sub-funds may invest in developing markets and involve increased risks.
  • Some sub-funds may at its discretion pay dividends (i) pay dividends out of the capital of the sub-funds, and/ or (ii) pay dividends out of gross income while charging all or part of the fees and expenses to the capital of the sub-funds, resulting in an increase in distributable income available for the payment of dividends by the sub-funds and therefore, the Fund may effectively pay dividends out of capital. This may result in an immediate reduction of the sub-funds’ net asset value per share, and it amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment.
  • Investors should not only base on this document alone to make investment decisions and should read the offering documents including the risk factors for further details.

Janus Henderson Horizon Fund

  • Janus Henderson Horizon Fund, as an umbrella fund, has within it different sub-funds investing primarily in equities or debt securities, each with different risk profiles.
  • Some sub-funds’ investments in equities are subject to equity securities risk due to fluctuation of securities values.
  • Some sub-funds may invest in bonds or other debt securities which are subject to credit, interest rate, credit rating, over-the counter market and downgrading risks.
  • Investments in the sub-funds involve general investment, RMB currency and conversion, currency liquidity, hedging, market, economic, political, regulatory, taxation, securities lending related, reverse repurchase transactions related, financial, interest rate, small/ mid-capitalisation companies related, technology related companies and benchmark risks. In extreme market conditions, you may lose your entire investment.
  • Some sub-funds may invest in the property sector and may involve property securities related risks.
  • Some sub-funds may invest in financial derivatives instruments for investment purposes, and/or to reduce risk, generate additional income, and to manage the sub-funds more efficiently. This may involve counterparty, liquidity, leverage, volatility, valuation, over-the-counter transaction and short position risks; and the sub-funds may suffer total or significant losses.
  • Some sub-funds’ investments are concentrated in a single market (e.g. China) /region (e.g. Asia) /industry sector (e.g. technology, property), small/mid-capitalisation companies; and may be more volatile.
  • Some sub-funds may invest in emerging markets, China A-Shares/ China A-Share access products and may be more volatile, subject to risks of investing in China securities and the Stock Connect Programs.
  • Some sub-funds may be subject to various risks relating to sustainable investment approach: concentration, subjective judgment in investment selection, exclusion, reliance on corporate data or third-party information, and change in investments’ nature.
  • Some sub-funds may invest in Eurozone and may suffer from Eurozone risk.
  • For certain share classes of some sub-funds, the directors may at its discretion pay distributions (i) out of gross investment income and net realised/ unrealised capital gains while charging all or part of the fees and expenses to the capital, resulting in an increase in distributable income for the payment of distributions and therefore, the sub-funds may effectively pay distributions out of capital; and (ii) additionally for certain share classes, out of original capital invested. This amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment, and may result in an immediate reduction of the sub-fund’s net asset value per share.
  • Some sub-funds may charge performance fees. An investor may be subject to such fee even if there is a loss in investment capital.
  • Investors should not only base on this document alone to make investment decisions and should read the offering documents including the risk factors for further details.

Note: The investment decision is yours. If you are in any doubt about the contents of this document, you should seek independent professional financial advice. Investors should not only base on this document alone to make investment decisions and should read the offering documents including the risk factors for further details.


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Janus Henderson Horizon Fund

Janus Henderson Horizon Fund (the "Fund”) is an open ended investment company incorporated in Luxembourg as a société d'investissement à capital variable ("SICAV") on 30 May 1985. The Fund is authorised by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier ("CSSF"). In giving such authorisation the CSSF does not take responsibility for the financial soundness of the Fund or for the correctness of any statements made or opinions expressed in this regard.

An application for any of the Fund's shares can only be made having read fully the Fund's prospectus accompanied by the latest available audited annual report and by the latest half yearly report, if published later than such annual report, and application form.

Janus Henderson Capital Funds Plc

Janus Henderson Capital Funds Plc (the "Fund") is a UCITS established under Irish law, with segregated liability between sub-funds. Investors are warned that they should only make their investments based on the most recent Prospectus (including any country supplement thereto) which contains information about the sub-funds, including their fees, expenses and key risks, and which should be read carefully.

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