
Janus Henderson
Corporate Debt Index

The Corporate Debt Index is a long-term study into trends in company indebtedness around the world, the investment opportunities this provides and the risks it presents.

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Companies around the world took on
of net new debt in 2022/23,

pushing the outstanding total up 6.2% on a constant-currency basis

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are backed by
record profits -

US$3.62 trillion

in 2022/23

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is back

- median yield on investment-grade bonds was

4.9% by May,

up from 4.1% a year ago

除非另有說明,否則所有數字均以美元計算。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日


債券: 債券是指債務的打包發行。透過購買債券,投資者通常以固定期限及固定利率向借款人借出資金。債券可在金融市場買賣,其價值會隨市場條件的變化而變動。
Cyclical Industry The revenues and profits of an industry rise and fall over the course of an economic cycle.
EBIT Earnings before interest and tax, commonly called operating profit.
股票 The amount of money left over for shareholders if all a company’s assets were liquidated and its assets sold off.
Gearing The ratio of debt to equity finance on the balance sheet – not to the market value of the shares; also called leverage.
Leverage The ratio of debt to equity finance on the balance sheet – not to the market value of the shares; also called gearing.
Net Debt All borrowings minus any cash or cash equivalents.
Running Yield The interest paid on a bond divided by its current market value.
波動性 Rapid, unpredictable, changeability.
到期收益率: 債券支付的利息除以其當前的市場價值,並考慮到債券到期和償還時的資本損益。
