Independent. Unique. Diversified.

Our teams create diversity while reducing volatility – all within cross-asset class combinations of alpha generation, risk management and efficient beta replication strategies.


Alternatives Assets Under Management

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Alternatives Investment

vd-icon_Bulleye_Target v3

Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 30 June 2024

Alternatives Assets Under Management

Alternatives Investment

Average Years’

As at 30 June 2024

Investment capabilities benefitting from:

  • Specialised skills that seek to capture alpha from a broad range of opportunities
  • A globally positioned, highly experienced investment team that believes in challenging conventional thinking
  • A multi-dimensional approach and focus on risk management that helps us to deliver blended offerings

Featured Strategies

Multi Strategy

This market-neutral, alternative strategy invests across a diversified set of bottom-up strategies combined with a top-down "protection" strategy.

The portfolio protection investment strategy of the Multi Strategy portfolio does not guarantee protection.


Alternatives: investors can do more with their passive equity allocations

How can enhanced index strategies help to make passive investments work more efficiently in investors’ portfolios?

Is convertible arbitrage making a comeback in liquid alternative portfolios?

Convertible bonds are back in vogue, after being sidelined in investors’ portfolios since 2022. But why? And for how long?

Can liquid alternatives strategies ride a pickup in M&A activity in 2024?

With M&A activity showing signs of a potentially significant revival in 2024, David Elms, Head of Diversified Alternatives, and Julius Bird, Client Portfolio Manager, discuss what this could mean for investors allocating to alternatives.