Comprehensive. Risk-aware. Specialised.

Our teams manage global asset allocation strategies, applying a variety of lenses and risk management approaches.


Multi-Asset Assets Under Management

vd-icon_People_3_Group v3

Multi-Asset Investment

vd-icon_Bulleye_Target v3

Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 31 March 2024

<span class="notranslate">no data</span>

Multi-Asset Assets Under Management

Multi-Asset Investment

Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 31 March 2024

Diversification may offer a more efficient portfolio; theory and history suggest that a diversified portfolio would be expected to deliver a better return per unit of risk than a more concentrated portfolio will do. We strongly believe that any serious focus on wealth preservation or wealth accumulation should have a diversified portfolio at its core.

Featured Strategies

Adaptive Global Allocation

This diversified global allocation strategy is informed by views on extreme market movements, both negative and positive.


For 30 years, this dynamic allocation strategy has delivered our equity and fixed income expertise in a one-stop core solution.


Multi-Asset Quarterly Outlook: Fortunes diverge as the cycle extends

An extended cycle may signal success in achieving a soft landing, but it also sets up a diverging set of risks for equities and bonds.

Why the 60/40 is still alive and how investors can benefit from a balanced fund in their portfolio

Three versatile use cases for balanced funds in investor portfolios.

Options markets’ answers to investors’ most pressing questions

Signals within options markets indicate that artificial intelligence could lead to higher levels of productivity, profitability, and real interest rates.