For Institutional Investors in the US

US Mid Cap Value

Defensive Mid-Cap Value Equities



As defensive value specialists, we look to invest in high quality companies with strong management teams, stable balance sheets, and durable competitive advantages that are trading at attractive valuations. We seek to achieve excess returns over full market cycles, with less risk than our benchmark and peers as measured by standard deviation, beta and down market capture.


Attractive Reward / Risk

Our disciplined valuation process measures downside risk before upside potential and invests in securities with favorable reward/risk ratios.

High-Conviction Process

The portfolio typically holds between 60 to 90 stocks with business fundamentals considered more important than fluctuations in the wider economy.

Different Than the Benchmark

The benchmark is not used as a starting point for portfolio construction, which should lead to high active share.

Portfolio Management

Kevin Preloger

Portfolio Manager

Industry since 1997. Joined Firm in 2002.

Justin Tugman, CFA

Portfolio Manager

Industry since 2000. Joined Firm in 2004.


RETURNS (%) (As of 12/31/2024)
Composite Gross Composite Net Russell Midcap® Value Index
3M YTD 1YR 3YR 5YR 10YR Since Inception
Composite Gross -2.42 14.03 14.03 6.90 7.89 8.33 11.84
Composite Net -2.61 13.19 13.19 6.10 7.09 7.53 10.90
Russell Midcap® Value Index -1.75 13.07 13.07 3.88 8.59 8.10 9.73
RETURNS (%) (As of 12/31/2024)
Composite Gross Composite Net Russell Midcap® Value Index
3M YTD 1YR 3YR 5YR 10YR Since Inception
Composite Gross -2.42 14.03 14.03 6.90 7.89 8.33 11.84
Composite Net -2.61 13.19 13.19 6.10 7.09 7.53 10.90
Russell Midcap® Value Index -1.75 13.07 13.07 3.88 8.59 8.10 9.73
Calendar Year Returns (%)
Composite Gross Composite Net Russell Midcap® Value Index
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Composite Gross 14.03 12.08 -4.43 20.42 -0.59 31.29 -12.64 14.60 19.52 -3.07
Composite Net 13.19 11.25 -5.14 19.53 -1.33 30.34 -13.29 13.76 18.65 -3.80
Russell Midcap® Value Index 13.07 12.71 -12.03 28.34 4.96 27.06 -12.29 13.35 20.00 -4.78
