Flexible. Thoughtful. Connected.

Our teams retain flexibility within a disciplined construct, resulting in individual strategies as well as custom-blended solutions – all within a rigorous risk management framework.


Fixed Income Assets Under Management

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Fixed Income Investment

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Average Years’

As at December 31, 2023

Fixed Income Assets Under Management

Fixed Income Investment

Average Years’

As at December 31, 2023

Investment capabilities benefiting from:

  • A forward-looking approach that looks beyond benchmarks to put investor objectives at its core.
  • Collaborative teams that share and debate ideas globally but retain investment flexibility within a rigorous risk-management framework.
  • A range of actively-managed solutions from core bonds to multi-sector that reflects four decades of addressing clients’ evolving financial needs.

Featured strategies

Core Plus

A flexible core plus fixed income portfolio that leverages a research-driven investment process in seeking to identify the best opportunities across fixed income sectors.

Multi-Sector Credit

Leverages active sector allocation to potentially deliver higher returns than traditional core plus portfolios without a substantial increase in volatility.

Emerging Markets Debt Hard Currency

Seeking to capture market inefficiencies within emerging markets debt to generate alpha over the long-term.


JH Explorer in Saudi Arabia: A future beyond petrodollars?

Saudi Arabia has embarked on an ambitious economic transformation programme aimed at propelling the kingdom into a bright, post-oil future.

Quick View: March U.S. CPI – Three times makes a trend

While stickier-than-expected inflation undoubtedly alters the timing of rate cuts, it likely does not affect the Fed’s goal of eventually easing restrictive policy.

Multi-Asset Quarterly Outlook: Fortunes diverge as the cycle extends

An extended cycle may signal success in achieving a soft landing, but it also sets up a diverging set of risks for equities and bonds.

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