Notice of Janus Henderson Horizon Pan European Equity Fund team update
James Ross is set to become sole manager of the Janus Henderson Horizon Pan European Equity Fund .
Merger of the Janus Henderson World Select Fund with the Janus Henderson Global Equity Fund – Approved at Extraordinary General Meeting
The proposal to merge the Janus Henderson World Select Fund with the Janus Henderson Global Equity Fund was approved today at the Extraordinary General Meeting, held at 9.00a.m. today at 201 Bishopsgate, London.
Proposed merger of the Janus Henderson World Select Fund with the Janus Henderson Global Equity Fund
We are proposing to merge the Janus Henderson World Select Fund with the Janus Henderson Global Equity Fund. Further details are contained in the letter and scheme of arrangement circular attached.
Notice of changes to the Janus Henderson Cautious Managed Fund management team
Janus Henderson Investors confirms that, Chris Burvill, co-manager of the Janus Henderson Cautious Managed Fund, will be taking an extended period of leave for medical reasons.