Managing Stress for Success

Better Prepare for and Respond to Stress


Between unprecedented market and economic uncertainty and the overwhelming pressures many business professionals face every day, it’s not surprising that stress in our lives can lead to disengagement from work, clients or families, burnout or depression.

We will never remove stress, but we can change how we manage it. With practice, it's possible to learn how to harness stress as an opportunity for growth. Developed in partnership with New York Times bestselling author, Heidi Hanna, Janus Henderson’s Managing Stress for Success program provides actionable tools to identify the sources of stress and strategies for managing our reactions to it more productively.

Our Experts
Learn more about the experts behind our Practice Management programs and strategies.

Bryan Powell
Senior Director, Practice Management

Marquette Payton HeadshotMarquette Payton
Director, Practice Management Consultant

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Contact your Janus Henderson sales director about Managing Stress for Success and how it can help establish you as a thought leader, generate referrals and deepen client relationships.

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Contact Your Janus Henderson sales director about Managing Stress for Success and how it can help establish you as a thought leader, generate referrals and deepen client relationships.

Knowledge Studio

Experience our most popular programs on your own time.

Three leadership lessons from a Navy SEAL commander

Unconventional ways to grow and develop your leadership skills to build a high-performing team.

Lessons in elevating team performance from a retired pro rugby player

How advisory teams can elevate performance by building social capital.

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Three reasons to implement an effective segmentation strategy to potentially drive growth in your practice.