Actionable insights on taxes, estate planning, and helping older Americans better prepare for retirement.
Our latest thinking on the themes shaping today’s investment landscape. Explore timely updates, quarterly features and in-depth analysis straight from our experts.
What has changed, who is affected, and how advisors can help clients receive the benefits they have earned.
Recent news and developments to help facilitate wealth planning conversations between financial professionals and their clients.
A breakdown of the commonly used terms and techniques in charitable giving to help investors maximize philanthropic success.
How advisors can help clients manage emotions – whether positive or negative – following the election.
Three questions from our Investor Survey that can serve as useful conversation starters for meetings with clients or prospects.
What financial advisors should consider before implementing AI in their practices.
Recent news and developments that can help facilitate wealth planning conversations between financial professionals and their clients.
This year’s Greenwood Project interns offered insights into how young Americans view the financial industry and their own financial futures.
Why education is key to helping investors avoid making portfolio decisions in reaction to short-term events.
Our latest Investor Survey reveals high levels of concern around financial exploitation, particularly as AI leads to increasingly sophisticated scams.