Summary of administrative changes to Janus Henderson Capital Funds plc

During summer 2020 we propose making some changes to the administration of Janus Henderson Capital Funds plc (‘JHCF’ or ‘the Company’). The following provides a summary and useful information about contact details and dealing.

The changes include:

  • Changes to the external providers of the following services:
    • Transfer agent
    • Depositary/Custodian
    • Administrateur
    • Fund accountant
  • Change to naming convention of classes of shares
  • Reclassification of class U shares
  • Change to name of Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund

The effective date envisaged for all changes is 6 July 2020.

Details about the changes are described in the Shareholder Notification.


Shareholder Notification

Please note that there will be no change to investor shareholdings as a result of the administration changes other than the renaming of share classes. A downloadable excel file with all the old and new share class names is below


Share class list


Below you will find additional useful information relating to contact addresses, dealing and settlement.



Gelieve de actuele contactgegevens te gebruiken tot het einde van de werkdag op 2 juli 2020. Op dat moment worden de functies gemigreerd naar de nieuwe dienstverleners. Vanaf 6 juli 2020 dient u de nieuwe contactgegevens te gebruiken.

Functie Actuele gegevens (tot 2 juli 2020) Nieuwe gegevens (vanaf 6 juli 2020)
Transfer agent Citibank Europe plc
1 North Wall Quay
Dublin 1
Ierland Telefoon +353 1 622 1326 Fax +353 1 240 1602
International Financial Data Services (Ierland) Limited
Bishops Square
Redmond’s Hill
Dublin 2
Ierland Telefoon +353 1 242 5453 (09:00-17:00 Ierse tijd)
Fax +353 1 562 5537
Depositary Citibank Depositary Services Ierland
1 North Wall Quay
Dublin 1
JP Morgan Bank (Ierland) Plc
200 Capital Dock
79 Sir John Rogerson ‘s Quay
Dublin 2
Administrateur Citibank Europe plc JP Morgan Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
200 Capital Dock
79 Sir John Rogerson ‘s Quay
Dublin 2
Fund Accountant and Custodian Citibank Europe plc JP Morgan Bank (Ierland) Plc
(adres zoals hierboven)


Nieuwe bankrekeninggegevens

Bank account details for subscriptions, redemptions and trailer fees will change from 6 July 2020. Please note that new bank account details should only be used from 6 July 2020.

Euro (EUR) Bank of America N.A. Singaporese dollar (SGD) Bank of America N.A.
2 King Edward Street 50 Collyer Quay
Londen, EC1A 1HQ #14-01 OUE Bayfront
VK Singapore 049321
A/c No: (IBAN) GB79BOFA1650 5083655038 ACH/GIRO: 7065212
A/c naam: JHCF Investor Account A/c No: 71908011
A/c naam: JHCF Investor Account
US Dollars (USD) Bank of America N.A. Hongkongse dollars (HKD) Bank of America N.A.
222 Broadway Cheung Kong Centre, etage 52
New York, NY 10038 2 Queens Road Central
VS Hongkong
ABA Routing Code: 026009593 ACH/GIRO: 055757
CHIPS: 0959 A/c No: 72723013
A/c No: 6550562925 A/c naam: JHCF Investor Account
A/c naam: JHCF Investor Account
Japanse yen (JPY) Bank of America N.A Zweedse Kroon (SEK) Bank of America N.A.
Nihonbashi 1-chome Mitsui-gebouw 2 King Edward Street
1-4-1 Nihonbashi, Chuo-Ku Londen, EC1A 1HQ
Tokio 103-0027, Japan VK
A/c No: 23507019 A/c No: (IBAN) GB88BOFA16505083655070
A/c naam: JHCF Investor Account A/c naam: JHCF Investor Account
Pond sterling (GBP) Bank of America N.A. Zwitserse frank (CHF) Bank of America N.A.
2 King Edward Street 2 King Edward Street
Londen, EC1A 1HQ Londen, EC1A 1HQ
A/c No: (IBAN) GB35BOFA16505083655054 A/c No: (IBAN) GB05BOFA16505083655012
A/c naam: JHCF Investor Account A/c naam: JHCF Investor Account
Australische Dollar (AUD) Bank of America N.A. Canadese dollar (CAD) Bank of America N.A.
Level 34, Governor Phillip Tower 181 Bay Street, Suite 400
1 Farrer Place, Sydney Toronto, ON M5J 2V8
NSW 2000, Australië Canada
BSB: 232001 ABA Routing Code: 024156792
A/c No: 18667013 A/c No: 55742200
A/c naam: JHCF Investor Account A/c naam: JHCF Investor Account
Chinese renminbi (CNY) Bank of America N.A.
Cheung Kong Centre, etage 52
2 Queens Road Central
ACH/GIRO: 055757
A/c No: 72723039
A/c naam: JHCF Investor Account



De wijziging van Transferagent betekent dat de handel wordt overgedragen van Citibank naar IFDS Ierland. Tot donderdag 2 juli 2020 dienen orders te worden geplaatst bij Citibank en vanaf 6 juli 2020 dienen orders te worden geplaatst bij IFDS.


Wanneer is de laatste werkdag waarop ik een order kan plaatsen bij Citibank?

Aangezien vrijdag 3 juli een feestdag is voor de NYSE waarop de fondsen niet worden verhandeld, is de uiterste datum voor de ontvangst van orders bij Citibank donderdag 2 juli om 21.00 uur Londense tijd. Na dit tijdstip zullen wij geen orders via SWIFT meer kunnen accepteren. Orders kunnen vanaf 08.00 u Japanse tijd op maandag 6 juli worden ingediend met behulp van de nieuwe SWIFT-gegevens (SBOSIE2DTAD). Orders die per fax worden ontvangen na 21.00 uur Londense tijd op 2 juli, zullen worden bewaard en op maandag 6 juli door de nieuwe administrateur, IFDS, worden verwerkt.


Zal Janus Henderson Investors/IFDS geactualiseerde transactieformulieren aanbieden?

Ja, Janus Henderson Investors zal de formulieren bijwerken met de relevante informatie voor bankgegevens en IFDS-contactgegevens.


Kan ik na 6 juli 2020 de bestaande aanvraagformulieren blijven gebruiken?

Voor alle instructies die vanaf 6 juli 2020 worden doorgegeven, dienen de nieuwe aanvraagformulieren te worden gebruikt. Janus Henderson Investors en IFDS stellen procedures en controlemaatregelen op om ervoor te zorgen dat alle orders tijdens de migratieperiode zorgvuldig worden verwerkt, zodat de migratie geen invloed heeft op de afwikkeling. Dit gedetailleerde controleproces blijft na de migratie nog ten minste twee weken behouden. Orders die na die termijn worden ingediend met behulp van oude aanvraagformulieren, kunnen worden geweigerd en zullen opnieuw moeten worden ingediend met behulp van de nieuwe formulieren.


If I want to place an order by fax, what number should I use?

For clients in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) or North America:

Tot 2 juli 2020: +353 1 240 1602

Vanaf 6 juli 2020: +353 1 562 5537


Gebruik de gegevens in de tabel in de rubriek Contactgegevens hierboven als u via e-mail of telefonisch contact wenst op te nemen met de Transferagent. Gebruik de actuele contactgegevens tot 2 juli 2020 en de nieuwe contactgegevens vanaf 6 juli 2020.


Ik plaats mijn orders via Calastone/BBH. Beschikt IFDS over de vereiste connectiviteit?

Yes, you can continue to place your orders as you do today.


Will my Citibank TA account number change?

No, your account number will remain the same


Can you explain the IFDS trade acknowledgement process?

For orders received by fax, you will receive an immediate automated acknowledgment specifying the number of pages received.  Orders sent by SWIFT will continue to generate standard SWIFT acknowledgement letters in the same way as they do today.  For orders received by post, contract notes will be issued within 24 hours of trade placement if the instruction is received in good order.


Verandert er niets aan de uiterste termijnen voor de handel?

Er verandert niets aan de uiterste termijnen voor de handel. Die blijven hetzelfde zoals beschreven in het prospectus.



When should I commence using the new Bank of America bank accounts?

You should use new bank accounts for subscription orders placed after 21:00 London time on 2 July 2020.


What will happen if I accidentally use Citibank account details after 2 July 2020

We have provisions in place to deal with this scenario for the first two weeks following the transition of services. After that, receipts into the Citibank accounts will be rejected back to the originator.


Wordt de afwikkeling van inschrijvingen en terugkopen na 2 juli 2020 gesaldeerd?

We will continue to bulk redemption payments in accordance with the mandate you have supplied to us. You may continue to bulk settlement of subscriptions if you choose to.


Verandert er iets aan de manier waarop mijn aflossingen en dividenduitkeringen worden opgesplitst?

Redemption and dividend payments of the same currency will continue to be bulked. You will have the option to bulk the payments by the account number or the broker code. Note that where multiple accounts are tagged under a single broker code, bulking cannot be set up at both account number and broker code level.


Will my Citibank broker code change?

National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) broker codes will be retained, so NSCC dealers should continue to submit trades as they do currently. Non-NSCC broker codes will change from 6 July 2020 and will be reflected in the trailer fee and commission statements.


Verandert er iets aan de dividendkalender?

Yes. The settlement date for payment of distribution proceeds be increased from ex-dividend date + 3 days to ex-dividend date + 5 days. A dividend calendar will be made available on and available upon request from IFDS at, post migration.


Will there be any changes to the dealing calendar?

No. Should investors wish to receive the dealing calendar post-migration, they may contact IFDS at


Investor Media

Will there be changes to the timings of my investor media

Yes. Contract notes and dividend statements will now be available earlier at approximately 03:00 London local time (or 04:00 Central European Time/ 10:00 Hong Kong/ 11:00 Tokyo).


How will I receive my investor media from IFDS?

Investors currently receiving media by post and fax will continue to do so. Investors receiving media via email (including those receiving media via direct email from Citibank) will be granted access to the Vdox platform (provided by Victor Buck Services, IFDS’s media distribution partner) which will allow them to view and download their media.

Voor cliënten die momenteel bevestigingen ontvangen op verschillende manieren (bijv. SWIFT plus e-mail, fax of post) verandert er niets.


How will I access the Vdox platform?

Usernames and passwords will be issued alongside the first media distribution for each investor, and there will be a one-time registration process required to set a password. A user guide will be available on request from IFDS, the Transfer Agent.


Can you advise if the investor media format will be changed after 2 July 2020?

The format of contract notes and statements will change slightly and align the JHCF funds more closely with the media of other Janus Henderson fund ranges. The content remains consistent with previously provided investor media.


I currently have a Citibank login for VBS, can this still be used after 2 July 2020?

This will remain active until 30 November 2020, beyond which time you will no longer be able to reset your Vsafe password. If any replacement (i.e. pre-migration) media is required beyond this date please contact IFDS and they will be able to provide this.


Wie geeft de transactienota uit voor mijn orders geplaatst op 2 juli 2020?

Contract notes for orders received up to 21:00 London time on 2 July 2020 will be issued by Citibank in the usual way.



Will existing arrangements for receipt of net asset value (NAV) files be changing?

Prices for all the JHCF funds will continue to be available on the website from 19:00 New York time on Trade Date (T), or 00:00 London/08:00 Hong Kong/09:00 Tokyo on T+1.

Price files will be distributed by JP Morgan, there will be some changes to formatting and, price, investor tax and distribution files will become separate files.


Performance figures will not be included in the price files.


Fees and commissions

Is there a minimum payment threshold for trailer fees?

There is a minimum payment threshold of USD50 (or equivalent value per currency) for all currency payments. Any amounts below this level will accrue until such time as they become ineligible for payment. Payment of below minimum amounts will also be paid on request.


When will advance commission (broker credit) payments be made?

The payment date of advance commission (broker credit) and initial commission will move from Month End + 7 business days to Month End + 10 business days.


What changes are being introduced to the calculation methodology of Front End Load commissions?  The methodology for calculating commission on trades with a Front End Load will change from the current POP (public offering price) method  (NAV/( 1- commission %)) to use a future state FEL (front end load) method ((gross amount – commission)/NAV).