Flexible. Thoughtful. Connected.

Our teams retain flexibility within a disciplined construct, resulting in individual strategies as well as custom-blended solutions – all within a rigorous risk management framework.

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Fixed Income Assets Under Management

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Fixed Income Investment

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Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 30 June 2024

<span class="notranslate">no data</span>

Fixed Income Assets Under Management

Fixed Income Investment

Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 30 June 2024

Investment capabilities benefitting from:

  • A forward-looking approach that looks beyond benchmarks to put investor objectives at its core.
  • Collaborative teams that share and debate ideas globally but retain investment flexibility within a rigorous risk-management framework.
  • A range of actively-managed solutions from core bonds to multi-sector that reflects four decades of addressing clients’ evolving financial needs.

Featured strategies

Multi-Asset Credit

Providing investors with an opportunity to invest in a range of predominantly secured credit asset classes, not typically found in traditional fixed income portfolios.

Buy & Maintain Credit

Our buy & maintain portfolios are bespoke and designed in working partnership with our clients so that the final solution accurately meets their needs.

Asset-Backed Securities

A high quality, conservatively managed fixed income solution aiming to provide downside resilience over cycles.


UK retail park commercial mortgage backed securities asset

Quick view: Why British Land’s retail park deal shows it pays to be selective in CMBS

What’s driving the dispersion in recent performance across European retail CMBS?

Chart to Watch: U.S. corporate credit yields trading at pre-GFC levels

Yields on U.S. corporate credit have reverted to levels not seen since before the Global Financial Crisis, providing attractive opportunities.

Hot air balloons going up in the air over a Californian sunset

Up in quality does not mean ignoring high yield bonds

Exploring reasons why high yield retains attractions within a diversified portfolio.

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