Why investors looking to diversify equity portfolios may want to consider these long-discounted financials.
Our latest thinking on the themes shaping today’s investment landscape. Explore timely updates, quarterly features and in-depth analysis straight from our experts.
After years of underperformance, non-U.S. equity markets look poised for better returns.
Convertible bonds are back in vogue, after being sidelined in investors’ portfolios since 2022. But why? And for how long?
Why the lack of a viable utility-scale, long-duration energy storage solution has far-reaching implications.
How investors can leverage behavioral biases today to find compelling opportunities in non-U.S. stocks.
What are asset-backed securities, and how might they play a role in investors’ portfolios?
Janus Henderson's recent Global Investment Summit explored growth drivers in equities, highlighting key investment themes and opportunities across the market capitalization spectrum.
What are commercial mortgage-backed securities, and how might they play a role in investors’ portfolios?
While diverse growth opportunities exist in mid-cap stocks, we believe a selective approach with valuation discipline is warranted.
The final installment in a three-part video series considers how non-mortgage related securitized sectors fared through the GFC and what investors can learn from this period in history.
The second installment in a three-part video series explores collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and synthetic CDOs and their role in the Global Financial Crisis.